
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Nuts or No Nuts?

Last week, Nathan and I found out the gender of our baby.

Hopefully this picture will help you solve the mystery.

In otherwords...our baby has nuts. Its a boy!

He is not only a boy his name will be Lincoln Johannes 'Hans' Roos

When we went in for the ultrasound  on the 26th of September the first thing the ultrasound technician asked us was if we wanted to know the gender. I replied 'Oh Yes! I want a boy.'

She then began looking at our baby and the instant, and by instant I mean within 20 seconds of us being there, she stuck the ultrasound stick on my belly told us she already knew what it was. She then made sure we wanted to know and asked us again if we wanted to. We both said "Hell yes!"

She told us "Well, its a boy!" I then cried.

Here are some great shots that Nathan took of me and our little family. We are wearing the celebratory blue of course!
The couch was the only good place to get a photo of the both of us on an automatic timer.
Nathan looks so cute! (and skinny)

I look like I'm in pain but you can really see my belly. 

This is a great photo.

My dog rules.

Hello! Sheila takes the best photos. 

I am so happy we're having a son! I have always wanted to have a boy first because growing up with my younger brother, who is 10 years younger than my self, was so much fun. I loved having a little boy around to play with and it was seriously so awesome. I love taking care of him and I still do to this day. I hope to have something very similar with our child, and of course believe it will be even better.

This was also the first time I felt proud of my son because he knew what was up going into the ultra sound. The first picture we got of him was of his family jewels, one smart baby if you ask me and possibly very comical as well.



  1. I love you and the nasty:) Ha ha you look so scared in one of those pictures:) so excited for the baby lincoln to meet us all:) yay:) and you must be extra happy because your ravens won!

    1. Yea I figured it was one of because you all call Nate nasty. Lol!
      Lincoln can't wait to meet all his aunties and uncles! And of course the ravens won because I only pick winning teams! Ha!

  2. By the way that last comment was Nicole lol:)

  3. Jules!!! I love seeing the baby bump photos of you! you look amazing!
    And just an FYI, I bought the baby a gift this weekend! :-)
    Miss you two!

    --Auntie Kaity

  4. Why didn't you post that ultra sound picture?????
    I knew he was going to be a boy and will have plenty of
    nicknames other then Hans. Emma said she would call him
    Linc.(from the character in Zelda)I will get going on the
    nautical car seat cover. I am so excited!!!!
